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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Elementary particle vacuum functionals.cmap, ELEMENTARY PARTICLE VACUUM FUNCTIONALS 2. Construction of elementary par- ticle vacuum functionals. a) This led to a proposal for the construction of elementary particle vacuum functionals and also to a model for how the boundaries topo- logies of different genus would mix. This topological mixing would indu- ce Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) mixing. b) In p-Adic mass calculations one must estimate the contribution of the modular degrees of freedom to p-adic mass squared. This leads to a p-adic variant for the space para- metrizing the modular degrees of freedom. The prediction is that this contribution dominates for higher genera. c) The model should explain why why only 3 lowest genera are ex- perimentally present. The proposed explanation relies on the observation that 3 lowest genera are always hy- per-elliptic meaning that they pos- sess Z_2 conformal symmetry. For higher genera this symmetry exists only for special metrics. d) This global symmetry would ma- ke lowest three genera exceptional: they could have much lower mass scale than higher ones or the higher genera would correspond to what might be interpreted as many particle states formed by handles residing at partonic 2-surface and having con- tinuous mass spectrum. One might even ask whether they could corre- spond to "ur-particles" introduced by Glashow., ELEMENTARY PARTICLE VACUUM FUNCTIONALS 1. Motivations and back- ground. a) In the original model for elementary particles they were identified as 2-D boundary compo- nents of 3-surfaces so that the genus g of the orientable boundary component became to- pological elementary particle quantum num- ber. Generation-genus corresponds states that various quark and lepton generations cor- respond to various genera g=0,1,2 in rat- her obvious order. b) Conformal invariance inspired the hypothesis that only the conformal equivalence class of the boundary components in the induced metric matters physically. Vacuum functional defi- ned in the space of con- formal equivalence clas- ses of partonic 2-surfa- ce would characterize particle. c) Modular invariance which is symmetry of conformal field theories would be natural proper- ty of elementary partic- le vacuum functional., ELEMENTARY PARTICLE VACUUM FUNCTIONALS 3. Objections: a) For the model to make sense one should have unique identifi- cation of the partonic 2-surfaces. This is not the case in ordinary positive energy ontology.In Zero Energy Ontology partonic 2-surfa- ces are naturally associated with the 3-surfaces at the ends of CD so that the problem disappears. b) The recent view about elemen- tary particles is more complicated than the original. *Boundary component is replaced with partonic 2-surface at which the induced metric of the space- time surface changes its signatu- re. *Particle is replaced with a string like object consisting of two worm- hole contacts. c) In principle the genera of the 4 throats can be different although one expects that in excellent appro- ximation they are identical and cor- respond to identical elementary par- ticle vacuum functionals in the case of fermions at least. d) In the case of bosons one can consider the possibility that the fermion and anti-fermion can have different genera so that one would obtain dynamical SU(3) symmetry asa combinatorial symmetry. Alter- natively one could have only 3 bo- sonic genera. This prediction might kill the scenario.